XMail IPv6 + SSL patch ... debris
Notice IPv6 functionality was already included in original version 1.25 or later.
This page provides a IPv6 + SSL patch only for version 1.24 or earlier.
If you use version 1.25 or later, these patches were not needed.
If you want to upgrade 1.24 to 1.25, read the following guide.
- download XMail IPv6 patch (for XMail 1.24, release 06)
(Note) RFC-2822 strict checking is disabled.- download XMail IPv6 enabled WIN32 binary (XMail 1.24, release 06)
Compiled binary (.exe files) for Microsoft Windows.- (Notice) Since XMail version 1.23 (original and IPv6 patch applied version) checks a mail address more strictly, so that some troubles reported as follows.
"XMail cannot send to / receive from RFC-2822 incompatible addresses. Most of these mail addresses are on mobile phone."
IPv6 patch now includes the patch which disables this strict check.- old versions and more...
IPv6 patch limitations
- Please be careful for stability.
Upgrading 1.24 to 1.25
To upgrade 1.24 to 1.25, modify these command line parameters.
- add "-M7" (for SMTP IPv6 delivery, this is the default behavior of IPv6 patch)
- modify "-Si (ipv6)#(port)" -> "-S6 -SI [(ipv6)]:(port)" (example; "-S6 -SI [::0]:25")
- modify "-Xi (ipv6)#(port)" -> "-X6 -XI [(ipv6)]:(port)"
- modify "-Pi (ipv6)#(port)" -> "-P6 -PI [(ipv6)]:(port)"
- modify "-Bi (ipv6)#(port)" -> "-B6 -BI [(ipv6)]:(port)"
- modify "-Ci (ipv6)#(port)" -> "-C6 -CI [(ipv6)]:(port)"
- modify "-Wi (ipv6)#(port)" -> "-W6 -WI [(ipv6)]:(port)"
- If you want to use multiple ports for one service (bypassing OP25B for example), write them repeatedly ("-S6 -SI [::0]:25 -SI [::]:587")
How to try patch (compile from source)
- These tools are not needed if you want to use a compiled binary described above.
Download binary, stop XMail service, extract from zip to C:\MailRoot\bin or other directory and start XMail service to use.
on Windows platform, cygwin , Microsoft Visual Studio, OpenSSL should be installed. On Linux and other *nix platforms, shell (bash, csh etc.) and these software packages should be installed.
GNU tar, bunzip2, GNU textutils, GNU patch, GNU make, GNU gcc, GNU g++, OpenSSL (with development library)
- untar original source
ex) # tar xvzf xmail-1.24.tar.gz- bunzip2
ex) # bunzip2 xmail-1.24_ipv6_rel06.patch.bz2- chdir to source directory
ex) # cd xmail-1.24- apply patch
ex) # patch -p1 < ../xmail-1.24_ipv6_rel06.patch- (*nix only)
make and install
ex) # make -f Makefile.lnx
# /etc/init.d/xmail stop # cp bin/* /var/MailRoot/bin
# /etc/init.d/xmail start- (Windows only)
Start the Microsoft Visual Studio command prompt (Start menu -> "Microsoft Visual Studio (version)" -> "Visual Studio Tools" -> "Visual Studio command prompt"), chdir to patched source (example; C:\XMail-1.24) and type "nmake /f Makefile.win CFG=release".
Finally, stop XMail service, copy *.exe to C:\MailRoot\bin or other directory and start XMail service to use.
Bug reports, comments and opinions
- XMail mailing list
- Ni-channel (bulletin board system) - my server section - XMail thread (topic) (only in Japanese)
- Ni-channel (bulletin board system) - my server section (only in Japanese)
- belphegor@belbel.or.jp directly (consider using mailing list first if you do not have any special reasons)
Last Modified: 2007/06/13 22:31:58